Liste de contrôle pour l'embellissement du corps
Vous envisagez de vous faire faire un piercing, un tatouage, une manucure/pédicure ou des cosmétiques permanents ? Comme le VIH, les deux ...
Biopsie du foie
Qu'est-ce qu'une biopsie du foie ? La biopsie du foie est une procédure diagnostique utilisée pour obtenir une ...
Hepatic Encephalopathy (PDF)
Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) can occur as a result of either acute liver failure or chronic ...
Protect Your Baby From Hepatitis B
Although every mother hopes for a healthy child, there is a serious liver disease that ...
Healthy Living with Viral Hepatitis (PDF)
Healthy Living with Viral Hepatitis is a practical guide for people infected with the hepatitis ...
Nutrition and the Liver (PDF)
Nutrition and the liver are interrelated in many ways. Some ways are well understood; others ...
Sugar and Healthy Eating
The World Health Organization (WHO) guideline recommends adults and children reduce their daily intake of ...
Liver-Healthy Shopping Guide
The liver is the body’s most efficient battery, it powers our body by storing &...
Le garde-manger du foie sain
To support those living with liver disease and to inspire Canadians to pursue a more ...